ECM – Packaging Solutions


2016 중국 CIPM(푸조우) 전시회

페이지 정보

작성자 admin
댓글 0건 조회 354회 작성일 21-07-02 15:14


CIPM is one of the LARGEST pharmaceutical machinery industry show in the world. It has been held for 50 times since the year of 1991. With 25 years of contributing to the Chinese pharmaceutical industry, CIPM has firmly established itself as the industry's must-attend show in China. 

About an average amount of 80,000 professional visitors visited and purchased equipment during the exposition. The exposition also attracted nearly a thousand domestic and foreign pharmaceutical equipment exhibitors. In 50th (2015 Autumn) exposition, there were 837 exhibitors, 130,000 square meters exhibition area and about 80,000 professional visitors from 35 countries and regions. There were more than 20 seminars which were lectured by senior experts at home and abroad during the exposition.